Choose your plan
to start your free 30-day trial

Choose your plan
to start your free 30-day trial

Cancel anytime. 60-day money back guarantee

NEW! Pay as you go

No monthly fee, pay as needed


+$45 per influencer

1 team member

Campaign Management

Automated Reporting

Email support

IK+ Bundle

Includes ROI Benchmarks, Influencer CRM and Surveys.

Add for $50/mo


Up to 3 influencers per month


+$35 per additional influencer

+$35 per influencer

+$35 per influencer

2 team members

Campaign Management

Automated Reporting

Live chat support

IK+ Bundle

Includes ROI Benchmarks, Influencer CRM and Surveys.

Add for $50/mo


Up to 20 influencers per month



(billed yearly)


(billed yearly)

+$20 per additional influencer

5 team members

Campaign Management

Automated Reporting

Live chat support

IK+ Bundle

Includes ROI Benchmarks, Influencer CRM and Surveys.



Up to 50 influencers per month



(billed yearly)


(billed yearly)

+$15 per additional influencer

10 team members

Campaign Management

Automated Reporting

Dedicated Account manager

IK+ Bundle

Includes ROI Benchmarks, Influencer CRM and Surveys.


“Worth every penny!”

“I don’t have to use a spreadsheet and add a million numbers. It makes the collection process very easy. And it looks more professional.”

Marla @ Mom 2.0

Premier Professional Conference

“It’s immensely helpful with reporting and gives us a smooth, simple relationship with our influencers.”

Kaily @ Akhia

Full-service Communications Firm

“Wagner Spraytech has found great value in the InfluenceKit reporting tool for its ability to provide accurate, on-demand stats on influencer campaigns. This has allowed us to have a clearer picture on how our Wagner specific campaigns are performing as opposed to the influencers’ content in general. It has also proven to be a useful tool for reporting to upper management and negotiating contracts with influencers.”

Makayla @ Wagner Spraytech

Market Leader in Advanced Paint Applicators

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you count how many influencers we're billed for?

What if I work with the same influencer on two different campaigns during the same month?

How much do influencers have to pay?

What's a report?

Do influencers hesitate to use the platform?

What about privacy? Will using InfluenceKit expose influencers private data?

Can I use InfluenceKit to create reports without asking influencers to do anything?

Do you do influencer discovery and/or vetting?

Is there a contract?

How long will the reports last?

Do you support (insert platform here)?